Actionable Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Five steps to shameless-ness. And how it can change your life.

Our education system teaches us to be modest. That is all well and good when you are the topper in your class, or you are following a conventional career path. But if you ever want to do something out of the box, you have to learn to become shameless. Read on to know the importance of being shameless, and learn five steps to get your shameless on…

Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Shameless Indian Writers – The importance of shameless writing

Was Chetan Bhagat being shameless while writing Five Point Someone? Is Arnab Ray a shameless blogger, and should he be banned? What is shameless writing, and should that be allowed? Read on…

Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Straight From The Writer’s Mouth: Did the best-selling authors agree?

In my previous article, I wrote about the interesting phenomenon that so many Indian novelists are graduates from famous universities. Well, after I wrote the article, I kept thinking: “What would the best-selling authors say if they read this article? Would they agree about my findings?”

So I thought I would try to to find exactly that out. So I tried to connect with the writers featured in my article through email, Twitter, or any (legal) means possible.

Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Master of Best-seller Administration: Why so many best-selling Indian novelists are graduates from famous universities.

Once upon a time, there was something called a struggling writer. The struggling writer would write a novel and send it out to multiple publishers, only to be drowned by a barrage of rejections. All the while, the writer had been working at a clerical job with meager pay, pitting all his hopes on that […]