Belief-system Life-principles

Impostor syndrome, or when life gives you lemons

What do we do when life makes us question our own capabilities? And what made me write about the life of a troubled American farm-boy? Read on to find out.. Also learn about impostor syndrome. And how every one of us (even the most successful ones) are susceptible to this.

Belief-system Fiction Life-principles

The Farmboy and The Piano

What do you do when you like to do something, but others seem to do the same thing much better than you? Roy Jackson loved to play the piano, but he was half as good as his classmates. What could he do in such a situation? Read on, to hear Roy’s story…


Where the “No” is held high

Have you ever found yourself saying “yes” half-heartedly? You wanted to say “no”, but custom made you reply differently. But does the half-hearted “yes” actually help anyone? Read on to find out…


“You should…” — the most common phrase in the Indian dictionary

‘You should…’ is probably the most common phrase in the Indian dictionary. “You should do well in your studies.”, “You should get married now.”….. but should we actually follow all advice given to us?

Actionable time-management

How not checking e-mail and Facebook till noon can change your life

We have so many desires and ambitions. The specific desires may be different for each of us. But common to all of us is that we find ourselves running short of time in fulfilling our own aspirations. Between the work-week, and the chore-filled weekend, we never find the time to seek our unique ambitions. But WAIT… What if I told you that we can solve this problem through smarter use of e-mail and Facebook?

Actionable Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Five steps to shameless-ness. And how it can change your life.

Our education system teaches us to be modest. That is all well and good when you are the topper in your class, or you are following a conventional career path. But if you ever want to do something out of the box, you have to learn to become shameless. Read on to know the importance of being shameless, and learn five steps to get your shameless on…

Education Videos

[Recommended video] TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson

This is the most-watched talk of all TED talks. After watching it, you will have no doubt as to how / why this video reached the #1 spot. And it is completely relevant to the theme at GoHatke — Sir Robinson uses his tremendous sense of humour to explain a very serious topic: how schools […]

Education Featured

Your PhD is a waste. And what you can do about it.

“Your PhD degree is a waste”. That is the message you might get, after going through the detailed statistical analysis in Jordan Weissmann’s article in The Atlantic… While students toil through their PhD-s at minimal pay rates, they have the belief that once their PhD is over, they will get a decent-paying job of their liking. But data released by National Science Foundation shows that unemployment among PhD-s is rising… In such a situation, what does the PhD do?

Education Videos

Video: The high-school education system is obsolete.

[Recommended video] Dr Sugata Mitra received the TED prize in 2013, and gave a fantastic talk on his vision of “A school in the cloud”. He notes that the high-school education system is obsolete and does not sufficiently serve today’s needs… And he shows a roadmap for the future which empowers students as well as teachers.

Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Shameless Indian Writers – The importance of shameless writing

Was Chetan Bhagat being shameless while writing Five Point Someone? Is Arnab Ray a shameless blogger, and should he be banned? What is shameless writing, and should that be allowed? Read on…

Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Straight From The Writer’s Mouth: Did the best-selling authors agree?

In my previous article, I wrote about the interesting phenomenon that so many Indian novelists are graduates from famous universities. Well, after I wrote the article, I kept thinking: “What would the best-selling authors say if they read this article? Would they agree about my findings?”

So I thought I would try to to find exactly that out. So I tried to connect with the writers featured in my article through email, Twitter, or any (legal) means possible.

Featured Master-of-Bestseller-Administration Writing

Master of Best-seller Administration: Why so many best-selling Indian novelists are graduates from famous universities.

Once upon a time, there was something called a struggling writer. The struggling writer would write a novel and send it out to multiple publishers, only to be drowned by a barrage of rejections. All the while, the writer had been working at a clerical job with meager pay, pitting all his hopes on that […]